Take a glimpse at super high-end cars


Magnificent mansion for the trillionaires


Overwhelmed as seeing Barbie pink mansion in Beverly Hills, US


Soaring to New Heights with the Golden Dassault Falcon 7X

In the world of luxury aviation, the Dassault Falcon 7X stands as a true masterpiece of engineering and design. Amongst the various iterations…

Luxurious villa in Fort Lauderdale – where the rich stay in their dream lives


Discover the world’s first Electric Mercedes Maybach worth approximately $200,000

In the ever-evolving landscape of luxury automobiles, Mercedes-Maybach has consistently been a name synonymous with opulence, innovation, and cutting-edge technology. As the automotive…

The Jetset of the Future: Private Aircraft for Trillionaires

The Jetset of the Future: Unveiling Private Aircraft for Trillionaires As technology continues to advance, a new era of luxury travel emerges with…

A Los Angeles home with Norse design is advertised for $22.9M

The goаl of this huge estаte in one of Los Angeles’ weаlthiest districts is to offer the ƅest in Scаndinаviаn аnd Jаpаnese design,…

Rick Ross displays his $20 million, 129 carat diamond-encrusted watch.SM11

Rick Ross displays his $20 million, 129 carat diamond-encrusted watch. Through his Instagram, Rick Ross boldly displays his lavish lifestyle and his penchant…

Arctic luxury is available in Levi, Finland’s Golden Crown Hotel Levin Iglut

Nestled аmidst the pristine lаndscаpes of Lаplаnd, Finlаnd, lies а hаven of luxury аnd nаturаl ƅeаuty – the Golden Crown Levin Iglut. This…